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Innovative Research & Transformation

Transform & Scale Science into Innovative Products

BITZ Transformation lab, oberschneiding

Transforming Science to Innovative Products

Scientific breakthroughs in biomedicine are transformed into tangible, real products that benefit society, that benefit society.


Our transformation lab is paving the way for a new era of innovation within the "Third Mission". We are revolutionising the conversion approach:

Visionary academic discoveries are transformed into novel, valuable products with significant socio-economic impact. In this way, technological progress no longer fails due to structural weaknesses between academic research and industry.

  • Transformation Lab

The Transformation Lab focuses on the multidisciplinary field of bioengineering, an approach that utilises concepts and methods from biology, chemistry, physics and materials science. This ensures a comprehensive approach to the development of innovative applications through cutting-edge research and development.

The team works together on an interdisciplinary basis and brings together experts from various scientific disciplines. This holistic approach is a key success factor.

  • Infrastructure

The infrastructure includes a "pre-incubation laboratory" for feasibility studies and a "Skylab" towerequipped with state-of-the-art instruments for prototyping and scaling. With this equipment, the laboratory is able to achieve a sustainable impact.

strategic partnerships

There is a close strategic partnership with the Bavarian Innovation Transformation Centre (BITZ) I, which specialises in the market penetration, acceleration and scaling of innovation-based companies on an international level. This ensures that the transformation lab's products will find their way onto the global market and into society.

Furthermore, BITZ I and the Transformation Lab have partnerships with leading research organisations, industry leaders and government agencies. The broad spectrum of this co-operatiåve ecosystem clearly supports the success of the "Third Mission".

The opening of the Transformation Lab represents a significant milestone in the field of Third Mission scientific innovation. It demonstrates that cutting-edge research can be translated into tangible solutions that have a positive impact on society. With its interdisciplinary approach, collaborative partnerships and commitment to ethical innovation, the Transformation Lab will be a beacon for Third Mission endeavours.


Our university was placed 1st worldwide in the WURI (Worlds Universities with Real Impact) ranking 2023 in the category "Entrepreneurial Spirit".

The Silicon Valley School with the SVP at BITZ Oberschneiding has contributed significantly to the successes in the international ranking.



The transformation laboratory consists of two laboratory buildings with different strategic missions:



A Preincubation Laboratory that conducts feasibility studies on diverse topics for market transformation. The BSL 1-certified laboratory provides a range of equipment to conduct R&D with methodologies stemming from biochemistry, organic chemistry, molecular biology, cell cultures, tissue engineering, material science, and biophysics. The Preincubation Laboratory further houses up to 18 student workplaces for laboratory training embedded within the biomedical degree programs of the DIT.






A Skylab tower that pushes feasible projects to the level of prototyping and scaling for market entry. The Skylab with 3 levels of laboratories houses next to two BSL 1-certified laboratories also a BSL 2-certified laboratory for R&D projects including human cell and tissues. The Skylab is further equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instruments to analyze biological material down to the single molecule scale, next-gen omics, bioprinting, protein synthesis, and analytical material investigation.




Deggendorf Institute of Technology
Bavarian Innovation Transformation Centre (BITZ) Oberschneiding Transformation Laboratory

Straubinger Str. 19
94363 Oberschneiding

Phone: +49 991 3615 8700
Mail: transformation-lab@th-deg.de

Office hours: Mo - Do 8 am - 3 pm