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Deggendorf Institute of Technology

Pioneering and Vibrant

Quality Management.

system accreditation

The Deggendorf Institute of Technology has been system accredited by the agency ASIIN since 9 September 2020.

The focus is on the highest quality in study, teaching and further education as well as the continuous further development of processes and the targeted development of degree programs. In order to maintain this, DIT developed a quality strategy.

The Central Quality Management has the task of managing all aspects relating to the quality of studies, teaching and further education and further services in a targeted manner in the quality management system and documenting processes. As an independent unit, the central quality management supports faculties and facilities of the DIT in the implementation of their quality goals in order to achieve the highest teaching and educational quality for the students of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

The DIT QM-System is arranged in levels.


quality management system


Strategic objectives were developed out of the general concept and the profile of the DIT. They are shown in the X-Matrix. The elements of the QM-System achieve their effectiveness due to constant examination and revision as well as due to definition and execution of quality-improving measures.


Within the system the stakeholders act from the level of the DIT executive DIT to the faculties and then within the study courses themselves.


control system

The stakeholders in charge of the quality-system take care for a comprehensive rating and evaluation of the study course as well as its contents under consideration of the students' evaluation.


Quality Securing System

The planning of new study programmes, as well as the modification of existing study programmes, is carried out using the process KL01 "Programme Development", which can be viewed on the intranet. Special attention is paid here to adherence to the P-D-C-A cycle by repeatedly obtaining feedback from various (external) bodies and reacting accordingly.


Quality Objectives

The DIT's overarching strategic objectives are presented every two years as part of the EHL

From this, the faculties develop their internal goals with associated measures and key figures. All matrices are published on the Intranet. The implementation will also be documented there.



Reporting System

Annual report

The annually compilation of a annual report is used to document the improvement measures to the outside and is an implemented process step in the core process F04 “Further Development QM System”. In 2017, the first annual report of the THD was provided; it included the preparations for the enlargement of the QM system that were executed by the quality management and the preparing steps for the System Accreditation. The following reports also had their priority on the System Accreditation and at this point the implementation of Internal Audits.

The focus of quality measures is on study and teaching, but also considers supporting processes of administration and research.


First Semester Students Survey

The first semester survey is conducted annually, in some cases every six months, by the ZQM staff unit. Students are asked how satisfied they were with the start of their degree programme in the second semester and what they think could be improved.

The results of the survey are passed on to the course directors/coordinators, their assistants, deans, deans of studies and university management in compliance with data protection regulations - this offers the opportunity to find out about the conditions at the start of the degree programme and the experiences gained during the semester, to hear the survey participants' suggestions for improvement and, if necessary, to implement them.

Brief evaluations of the first semester survey can be accessed here (in German):

The results of the survey will be passed on to the programme directors and coordinators in accordance with data protection regulations so that they also have the opportunity to learn about students' suggestions for improvement and, if necessary, implement them.

The first semester survey of Bachelor's and Master's students who started their studies in the winter semester 2023/24 is currently underway. The surveys are open until 16 July 2024 inclusive.


Link to participation (Bachelor): https://eva.th-deg.de/evasys/online.php?p=2GL55


Link to participation (Master): https://eva.th-deg.de/evasys/online.php?p=CCEJ1

Company survey

Together with the Career Service, a company survey was conducted in 2019. This can be access via the DIT intranet.


Teaching report

The teaching reports are created by the deans for student affairs and are regularly cause the presentation and discussion of the established and further developed and projected instruments and control circuits in the faculty. Furthermore they are used in the exchange with the university administration. Additional information can be found in the intranet.

Accredited study programmes

All degree programs offered at Deggendorf Institute of Technology are accredited (partly externally by accreditation agencies, partly internally by DIT itself).

The Deggendorf Institute of Technology has been system accredited since 9 September 2020. The following study programmes have successfully passed the internal quality system:






In addition, the existing accreditation for the Bachelor of Technical Physics (B.Eng.) was initially extended until 30 September 2023, as the programme will be discontinued. The accreditation will be extended until the last graduates leave.



In addition, the existing accreditation for the Bachelor of Nursing Dual (B.A.) was initially extended until 30 September 2025, as the programme will be discontinued. The accreditation will be extended until the last graduates leave.





Procedure for internal accreditations:


Data protection

Information obligations according to Art. 13 DSGVO (in German)


Programme Accreditations:

The expert opinions on the programme accredited study programmes at DIT can be found in the database of the Accreditation Council:

Reports on Programme Accreditations (in German)


Become an expert now!

Would you like to support us and participate in the development and quality assurance of study programmes? If so, please contact us at  to be included in our pool of experts (contact details can be found at the bottom of this page). If you would like to know more about the requirements and tasks of a reviewer, please refer to the guidelines on the appointment of reviewers of the HRK.


The consistent and thoroughly maintenance of our process data results in a well-structured and complete documentation of the most important procedures regarding management, studies, teachings, research and the supporting administration at the DIT.

The processes build the basis to keep the knowledge of the employees inside our system and document the further developments of the DIT. Our processes are evolved out of the general concept and strategies of the DIT. They will have sustainable impact when established in the employees’ minds. The process map and the processes themselves can be found on the intranet.

Evaluations and Rankings

EvaSys is the standard tool at the THD for carrying out course evaluation and other surveys. All lectures are evaluated every semester. The dean of student affairs analyses and discusses the results internally and documents them in the teaching report.

Within the course development, courses are regularly evaluated in the faculties.


External Rankings

  • CHE-Ranking

The CHE University Ranking is the most extensive and detailed ranking platform for German Universities and Universities of Applied Science. With covering 39 subjects it adresses to more than 75% of first-year students.


  • U-Multirank

U-Multirank offers international mobile students an orientation in the choice of the university and allows participating universities to compare themselves internationally with a diverse sample of universities with a similar profile.
U-Multirank offers comparisons at the level of whole universities (“institutional ranking”) as well as individual subjects.

Statistics and Key figures

The DIT releases their statistics with general data on the website twice a year. Information about the number of students as well as employment figures regarding professors as well as other staff is published.

The CEUS management information system is a hierarchically distributed data warehouse system that offers data about students, staff and finance to Bavarian universities and the Bavarian State Ministry for Science, Research and the Arts as a basis for decisions. A separate report is created here that contains the key figures defined by the THD.

The basis for the key figures to be monitored is the general report agreed between the universities over a period of 5 years based on the figures from official statistics.

In relation to the general report, the university concentrates on the following key figures in the field of studies:

  • Applications and freshmen (1. study semester)
  • Students by gender and origin (Germany/abroad)
  • Graduates
  • Attrition rate
  • Master transition

Idea Management

The portal with social media character is a suggestion scheme for students and employees at the THD. Proposals and ideas with focus on quality as well as general improvement can be handed in. All users can submit ideas as well as rate them once a day using the "Like" and "Dislike" buttons to give the idea more or less weight. Furthermore users can comment on ideas.

The Central Quality Management is running the system, which was developed together with the staff council as well as the student council. If there are ideas the DIT cannot take responsibility for the student council will be involved.

Submitted ideas should focus on the improvement of the teaching quality as well as the quality of the equipment or facilities. They should implement practicability, should be – if possible - without cost or lie within a budget the THD can afford. If costs incur, the administration management will verify if there are funds to put the idea into practice.

Any idea or suggestion for improvement will be displayed without user or personal data. Also liking or disliking is anonymous but comments will be displayed with user data.
