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research at dit

pioneering & vibrant

thd graduate school.


digitech DOCTORAL centre

On September 29, 2023, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology was granted the right to establish the doctoral centre "Digital Technologies and their Application" (DigiTech) together with the universities TH Augsburg and HaW Landshut. The DIT is in charge of coordinating the doctoral center for the three universities. The right to award doctorates was granted for this thematic area for a period of 7 years. At the end of the 7 years an evaluation will take place.

Shortly, the professorial members of the doctoral center will form the committees for the establishment and implementation of the doctoral center in order to be able to start promptly with the admission of doctoral students. The most important information and relevant documents will be published here in a timely manner.

An information event on the topic of doctoral studies and the right to award doctorates will be held on 26.10.2023.

cooperative doctorate

At the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, excellent graduates can do their doctorate in cooperation with national and international universities - applied colleges do not have their own right of doctorate. Currently, around 40 doctoral students are supervised by more than 20 professors from all faculties. Among the doctoral students there are also external students who realize their projects partly supported by a company.

Doctoral students who carry out their doctoral thesis in cooperation with a Bavarian university can become members of one of the thematic research groups of the Bavarian Science Forum (BayWISS). BayWISS is a cooperation platform of all applied colleges and universities in Bavaria, in which 10 topic-specific colleges have been established since 2017 via the Fachforum Verbundpromotion.

DIT currently has a total of four doctoral candidates and is a member of the Collaborative Research Centers for Digitalisation, Life Sciences and Green Technologies. DIT is a founding member of the Kolleg Life Sciences and Green Technologies.


  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)
  • Technische Universität München (TUM)
  • Ludwig Maximilian Universität München (LMU)
  • Universität Passau
  • Universität Würzburg
  • Technische Universität Ilmenau
  • TU Chemnitz
  • Universität Leipzig



  • University of the West of Scotland, Great Britain
  • Northumbria University Newcastle, Great Britain
  • University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Universität Luxemburg, Luxembourg
  • Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB Barcelona), Spain
  • Universitatea din București, Romania
  • Universität Salzburg, Austria
  • Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Austria
  • Westböhmische Universität Pilsen, Czechia
  • Andrássy Universität Budapest, Hungary
  • Edinburg Napir University, Great Britain


Those interested in a doctorate have the opportunity to complete a doctorate at the UWS with the degree PhD via DIT. Please read the experience report and inform yourself about the conditions and the procedure at graduiertenzentrum@th-deg.de.

Experience report PhD at UWS and DIT:

Susanne Reimann has been doing her doctorate at the University of West of Scotland (UWS) in cooperation with DIT since 2013. In an interview with the Research Training Group, she reports on her experiences with this doctoral programme.

What does the UWS doctoral programme look like and what does it offer to doctoral students?

 At the UWS there is the opportunity to do a doctorate full-time within 3 years or - and we are doing this for four Deggendorf doctoral students - to do a doctorate part-time. In our case, the program is called PhD Part Time Distance and runs for a maximum of seven years. You are initially enrolled as M.Phil until you have the so-called Transfer Event after about half the time. You present your current status to a committee and have to prove that you are capable of writing a PhD thesis.

After 12 weeks, 6 months and then annually, each doctoral student must submit a progression report in order to inform the university about the current status of the doctorate. The whole process is very helpful, because one develops step by step and the most important points are documented.

The Innovation & Research Office (IRO) provides administrative support. The IRO team is involved in the entire application process, assists in finding a supervisor and then sends the so-called Offer Letter if you are accepted as a PhD candidate.

In addition, the IRO organises a four-day Research Student Conference every spring in which all PhD students have to participate. In the first year, they publish their abstracts, in the second year they participate with a poster and in the third year with a presentation. This week is also an opportunity to exchange ideas with other doctoral students, meet with your supervisors and attend courses offered during the week.

How can the part-time doctoral programme be reconciled with employment?

For me, the programme works very well. On average, I go to Scotland twice a year, but no more than 5-6 working or holiday days in total. All other meetings with my supervisor are via Skype and usually take place in the evening. There are no other compulsory events. So my work is not affected by the UWS program.

For me it is important to organize the weekends well, as I do most of the promotion on these two days. During the week, after work, I do administrative work or prepare the Progression Report, for example.

What motivated you personally to complete a part-time PhD?

I have been working professionally for eight years now. After just a short time in my first job, it became clear to me that I wanted to develop personally and do something that was only for me and that I only wanted to make an effort for myself. I also wanted to deal with a topic on a larger scale and for a longer period of time. What would fit better than a doctorate? Of course, the idea of perhaps having better career opportunities in the long term and keeping the path open for an academic career also plays a role.

What convinced you about the UWS program?

My Bachelor's degree in International Management was already internationally oriented. I did my Master's in Australia. That's why the cooperative doctorate with a Scottish university suits me so well.

UWS is also a very young university that offers international students great opportunities. With the PhD Part Time Distance Program you don't have any time pressure and you don't have to show up in Scotland every month.

My supervisor at UWS did his doctorate not so long ago and understands my situation very well and supports me very well. We Skype every two months and see each other once or twice a year. The cooperation works without any problems over long distances.

Why did you participate in this programme with DIT?

I already completed my bachelor's degree at THD and then worked for one year as a course assistant for "International Management". So I am a "Deggendorfer Kindl". I heard about the cooperative doctoral opportunity with UWS by e-mail; I knew immediately that the program could be the right one for me and informed myself about further steps.

How was your supervisor selected?

My abstract has been published in Scotland on various


support and qualification services


We advise on all questions concerning doctoral studies and provide an overview of the following topics:

  • Requirements
  • Procedure
  • Financing options
  • Finding a supervisor
  • Qualifications

For more detailed enquiries, please contact graduiertenzentrum@th-deg.de.



University Certificate "Research and Dissertation Competence

We want to support you on your way to a doctorate as well as in your academic activities by providing you with specialist knowledge and by showing you approaches in the various subject areas. In the university certificate "Research and Dissertation Competence", the focus is on the acquisition and further development of the necessary competences, methods and know-how for working in the academic professional fields as well as in carrying out a dissertation. We achieve this through a combined teaching of theoretical content and concrete application in practice.
The offer is in principle also open to people without doctoral intentions.

PhD mentoring programme

by PhD students for PhD students


Our PhD mentoring programme serves as a collegial exchange and creates a networking opportunity among PhD students at DIT.

think and drink

Getting to know each other, exchanging experiences and providing support
"Think and Drink" is a biannual exchange format by PhD students for PhD students, in which PhD students at DIT get together in a relaxed atmosphere to get to know each other and exchange ideas over a drink.

  • Next date: Will be announced
  • You can find all the information on how to register in the Intranet.


virtual coffee break

A chance to meet in a virtual coffee kitchen
"Virtual Coffee Break" is a monthly exchange format by PhD students for PhD students, in which PhD students at DIT meet in randomly drawn 1:1 online meetings to exchange information about their research work for 30 minutes.

  • Next dates will follow
  • You can find all the information on how to register in the Intranet.


If you haven't found the answer you were looking for, feel free to send more detailed enquiries to graduiertenzentrum@th-deg.de.


  • Formal requirements

You can find out about the formal requirements in the doctoral regulations of the respective university or faculty at which you want to do your doctorate. The cooperation between DIT and the university entitled to award a doctorate is handled individually for each doctoral student. Special rules apply within the framework of doctoral cooperation. The doctoral regulations of the university entitled to award the doctorate and its responsible committees and boards decide on admission to the doctorate.

  • Language requirements

Foreign universities require the doctoral thesis to be written in the respective official language or in English. However, a very good knowledge of English is generally also required for German-language doctorates in cooperation with German universities.

  • Personal requirements

In principle, it is advisable to enjoy research and be motivated to work intensively on a topic over a long period of time. Ideally, you already have experience in scientific work.



A doctorate usually takes 4 to 5 years full-time. A part-time doctorate is possible in principle, but the duration increases accordingly. You may be interested in a part-time and explicitly application-oriented doctoral programme (Doctor of Business Administration, DBA), which is not currently offered at the DIT.



The costs for a doctorate vary greatly. If you enrol as a doctoral student at a university, you will usually have to pay semester fees. In addition, you will have to pay for specialist literature, software, etc., as well as travel expenses to conferences or meetings with your supervisor.


In principle, the DIT does not offer any funding options for doctorates. However, doctoral positions are advertised from time to time in externally funded research and development projects. Employment as a research associate may have to be considered independently of the doctorate: A position as a research assistant may have to be organised independently of the doctorate. Foundations offer a variety of scholarships. We offer an orientation course on this within our university certificate.



It is important that you have already thought about your doctoral topic. You should be able to formulate a clear question and objective. Your doctoral topic should correspond to your education/qualifications and your interests and claim to fill a gap in research.

You must then find a supervisor at the DIT with whom your doctoral topic is thematically linked to the main research areas.



  • Homepage
          Search for professors with a suitable subject area at the relevant faculty
  • InformaApp
          Search for current projects using keywords or research areas and contact the relevant professor.
  • Publication Database
          Search for publications in the relevant subject area using keywords and contact the relevant professor.



Once you have found a supervisor at DIT, they will support you in finding a university professor.



The certificate is aimed at all persons working in science at the university in the scientific mid-level staff (research and third-party funded projects, laboratory engineers, ...). In particular, persons who are aiming for a doctorate should be addressed and enrol for the certificate.

Formal requirements for participation in the university certificate "Research and Dissertation Competence" are (at least one must be fulfilled):

  • Completed Master's degree or diploma programme and a planned dissertation with start within one year
  • Proof of a dissertation that has been started by inclusion in a doctoral list
  • Employment at a higher education institution, research institution or university.



The costs only amount to the enrolment fee of € 62 per semester.



After successful registration (link) for the university certificate, you will be enroled and receive an email from us with all the necessary information (access data, documents, portals).

Subsequently, all dates for the certificate will be published on our homepage and you can register for the desired dates.



If you are enrolled at the DIT, you will receive a certificate of attendance with the designated ECTS credits after successfully completing each course.



If you have any questions, please contact graduiertenzentrum@th-deg.de.