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physician assistant / medical care b.sc.

faculty of applied healthcare sciences

popular profession for practice and clinic


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A still very young profession in the German healthcare system is the physician assistant. This is a medical assistant profession to support doctors in the treatment of patients. The pre-requisite is academic training based on a degree. This provides you with the specialist medical knowledge and formal requirements to independently carry out activities that can be delegated by doctors to patients, taking into account ethical and business management aspects. The degree programme "Physician Assisitant/Medical Care" will be offered by the Deggendorf Institute of Technology in the winter semester 2021/2022. The degree programme comprises a standard period of study of eight semesters and includes a study-integrated practical semester at cooperation partners (e.g. clinics, medical practices, MVZ) of the Deggendorf Institute of Technology.

fact sheet physician assistant / medical care

Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

Duration: 8 semesters (4 years)

ECTS points: 240

Start: October (winter semester)

Location: Deggendorf

Taught in: German (see language requirements)

Application period: 15 April - 15 July

Upcoming Info-Events (Participation via Zoom):

  • 09.04. ab 18:00 Uhr
  • 07.05. ab 18:00 Uhr
  • 21.05. ab 18:00 Uhr
  • 11.06. ab 18:00 Uh
  • 18.06. ab 18:00 Uhr
  • 09.07. ab 18:00 Uhr

Admission requirement:

  • General German university entrance qualification (please check your eligibilty at the DAAD if you own an international qualification) OR 3-year training in a health profession and 3 years of professional experience in a healthcare profession
  • Extended certificate of good conduct (a form is required to apply for the extended certificate of good conduct, which will be provided by the study centre via the applicant portal approx. 2 weeks after the application has been sent).

Prerequisites: Knowledge of basic biological subjects and Latin would be an advantage


Postgraduate opportunities:  Human medicine (in cooperation with Danube Private University, Krems)

Download: Course flyer

Enquiries: welcome@th-deg.de prospective student advisors

career prospects

The profession of a physician assistant involves the independent performance of activities in various clinical areas, delegated and supervised by a doctor. As a physician assistant, you support the doctor in making diagnoses and carrying out therapeutic procedures. During your studies, you will acquire application- and action-oriented medical and scientific knowledge and will be qualified to act as a doctor, without, however, being responsible for practising medicine yourself. The physician assistant represents an interface between the doctor and the medical staff. The current areas of employment and activitiy for physician assistants include most internal medicine and surgical disciplines in clinical facilities. Whether in trauma surgery, orthopaedics, emergency admissions, functional diagnostics, neurology, geriatrics, gastroenterology, cardiac, general and visceral surgery, transplant medicine or wound and vascular medicine. In outpatient care, especially in rural areas, physician assistants in private practices or medical centres also take over delegable, medical patient care. Other fields of application are organisational management tasks in medical care, health promotion, rehabilitation and prevention.

From Physician Assistant to a Master's degree in Human Medicine. In cooperation with the Danube Private University (DPU) in Krems, the Deggendorf Institute of Technology now offers the opportunity to complete a Master's degree in human medicine after successfully completing a Bachelor's degree (PA).

subject overview

Overview of lectures and courses, SWS (Semesterwochenstunden = weekly hours/semester) and ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) in the Bachelor's degree Physician Assistant.

1. Semester SWS ECTS
Anatomy 4 5
Physiology 4 5
Basics in Natural Sciences 4 5
Communication and Conversation Management 4 5
Histology / Embryology 4 5
Module-specific Seminars 4 5
2. Semester SWS ECTS
Neuroanatomy 4 5
Neurophysiology 4 5
Scientific Working, Statistics 4 5
Biochemistry / Molecular Biology 4 5
Microbiology 4 5
Module-specific Seminars 4 5
3. Semester SWS ECTS
Basics of Pharmacology 4 5
Internal Medicine 8 10
Pathology and Pathophysiology 4 5
Practice (Professional Field Exploration) 4 5
Module-specific Seminars 4 5
4. Semester SWS ECTS
Mental Health 4 5
Operating Theatre Management/Assistancec 4 5
Digitalisation and Documentation 4 5
Emergency Medicine 4 5
Classification and Models of Health and Disease 4 5
Module-specific Seminars 4 5
5. Semester SWS ECTS
Clinical Medical Placement   24
Practical Seminar 2 3
Practice Deepening Seminar 2 3
6. Semester SWS ECTS
Hygiene 4 5
Med. Laboratory and Equipment Technology 4 5
Operative Medicine 8 10
Health Education, Legal Basics 4 5
Systemic Medicine 4 5
7. Semester SWS ECTS
Palliative Care 4 5
IGM, BGM, QM, Public Health 4 5
Prevention and Rehabilitation 4 5
Special Areas of Clinical Medicine 8 10
Digital Health 4 5
8. Semester SWS ECTS
Health Economics 4 5
Case and Care Management 4 5
Current Aspects of Clinical Care 4 5
Bachelor Module   15
Bachelor Thesis   12
Bachelor Seminar 2 3

cooperation partners

During their studies, our students complete two practical assignments in our cooperation institutions. In the third semester this is the occupational field exploration, in the fifth semester the clinical-medical internship. The students are supported in the planning and organisation by the AGW Practice Department.

Our cooperation partners are listed below. The list is constantly being expanded.

  • AMEOS Klinikum Inntal, Jakob-Weindler-Straße 1, 84359 Simbach am Inn
  • Arberlandkliniken
    • Karl-Gareis-Straße 31, 94234 Viechtach
    • Arberlandstraße 1, 94227 Zwiesel
  • Bezirksklinikum Mainkofen, A3, 94469 Deggendorf
  • Donau-Isar-Kliniken
    • Perlasberger Str. 41, 94469 Deggendorf
    • Teisbacher Str. 1, 84130 Dingolfing
    • Bayerwaldring 17, 94405 Landau an der Isar
  • Klinik am goldenen Steig, Krankenhausstraße 6, 94078 Freyung
  • Klinik Bad Trissl, Bad-Trißl-Straße 73, 83080 Oberaudorf
  • Klinik Vilshofen, Krankenhausstraße 32, 94474 Vilshofen an der Donau
  • Klinikum Weiden, Söllnerstraße 16, 92637 Weiden i.d. Oberpfalz
  • Krankenhaus Tirschenreuth, St.Peter-Straße 41, 95643 Tirschenreuth
  • Kreisklinik Bogen-Mallersdorf, Krankenhausstraße 6, 84066 Mallersdorf-Pfaffenberg
  • Passauer Wolf
    • Am Brunnenforum 5, 93333 Bad Gögging
    • Bürgermeister-Hartl-Platz 1, 94086 Bad Griesbach
    • Eichendorffstraße 21, 93149 Nittenau
  • Rottal-Inn Kliniken
    • Simonsöder Allee 20, 84307 Eggenfelden
    • Am Griesberg 1, 84347 Pfarrkirchen
    • Plinganserstraße 10, 84359 Simbach am Inn
  • Klinikum Passau
  • Sana Kliniken des Landkreises Cham
  • Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg
  • Barmherzige Brüder Klinik St. Hedwig Regensburg
  • Barmherzige Brüder St. Elisabeth Straubing
  • Marienhospital Stuttgart
  • Städtisches Klinikum Dresden
  • Krankenhaus St. Josef Braunau
  • Klinikum Braunschweig
  • RHÖN Klinikum AG
  • Klinikum Fulda 
  • Klinikum Erding
  • Universitsklinikum Regenbsurg
  • Klinikum rechts der Isar der Technischen Universität München
  • Klinikum Chemnitz
  • LMU Klinikum München
  • Rheumaklinik Ostbayern Bad Füssing
  • Orthopädische Fachklinik Schwarzach
  • Evangelisches Klinikum, Düsseldorf
  • Florence Nightingale Krankenhaus Düsseldorf
  • Universitätsklinikum Ulm
  • Charite Universitätmedizin Berlin
  • Klinikum Bayreuth
  • Caritas Krankenhaus St. Josef Regensburg
  • Klinkum Fichtelgebirge Marktredwitz
  • Johannisbad Medizin Fachklinik Bad Füssing



  • Praxis Dr. Lemberger Plattling
  • Praxis Dr. Wolfgang Blank
  • Praxis PDKammerl
  • Gemeinschaftspraxis Dr. Schnabl
  • Gemeinschaftspraxis Schräder/ Schepp/ Perenyei/ Santner/ Reisinger
  • Facharztpraxis Florian Schuberth
  • Neurochirurgische Praxis Dr. med. Christian Hein
  • Kinder- & Jugendarztpraxis Dr. med. Kaussen

international cooperation partners and internships

  • Boston University/ Boston Medical Center
  • Harvard Medical School/ Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
  • Weill Cornell Medicine/ New York
  • The James/ The Ohia State University, Comprehensive Cancer Center
  • Makerere University Kampala, Uganda
  • Bugema University Kampala, Uganda
  • Mbarara Universtiy of Science & Technology/ Mbarara, Uganda
  • Arusha, Tansania
  • Sibanor Health Center, Foni, Gambia
  • Cabinet Medical Sigmed Clinics, Rumänien
  • Medici's Ärztehaus Timisoara